In line with the donations, we believe there is need everywhere in the world; however, it is sometimes difficult to identify specific needs in places far from home. Over the years, guests who have traveled with us, always want to make meaningful contributions to help meet the needs of the places they visit. Such contributions are one way of expressing appreciation for the experiences and hospitality they enjoyed in other lands. This in turn contributes towards conservation of the places visited as the communities appreciate the gifts/donations from guests who come to enjoy the natural beauty around them.

We have partnered with the local schools and hospitals near National parks where our guests normally go for visits during their free time/after major activities like game drives, Gorilla & Chimp tracking. Quite often, guests want to make a contribution towards improving the local community lives and here below is a suggested list of what you may carry/pack.

Listed here are the specific needs that we feel will assist community project(s) so you can choose exactly what to pack or may get in contact if you have any other ideas.

Project: Local/Community Hospitals: General Medical: Ace Bandages, Alcohol Wipes, Band-Aids, Blood Pressure Cuff (‘Sphygmomanometer’), Blood Sugar Machines and Test Strips, Cannulas, Giving Sets, Hot Packs, Ice/Cold Packs, Respiratory Masks, Sanitary Napkins, Small Scissors, Spacers for Asthmatic Patients, Thermometers (Digital), and Tongue Depressors

Specialist Equipment: Otoscope, Slit-Lamp, and Stethoscope

Surgical: Dressings, Forceps, Surgery Thread, and Surgical Gloves

Testing Kits: Medical Kits and Pregnancy Testing Kits

Medications: Albuterol Inhalers, Alcohol Gel, Antibiotics, Antifungal Cream, Antihistamine, Asprin (Low-Dose), Burn Cream, Cough Treatments, Ear Drops, Eye Drops, First Aid Spray, Hydrocortisone Cream, Magnesium Sulfate Paste, Permethrin (Scabies Cream), Vitamins, and Zinc Tablets

Specifically for Children: Baby Blankets, Baby Oil, Baby Soap, Child O2 Sat Probes, Cloth Diapers and Clips, Newborn Clothes (Very Useful), Pediatric NG (Nasogastric) Feeding Tubes, and Pulse Oximeter. Linens: Bed Linens, Pillows, and Towels

Project: Schools near National parks; General School Supplies: Chalk, Colored Construction Paper, Colored Pencils, Compasses, Crayons, Dry-Erase Markers, Erasers, Glue Sticks, Handheld Pencil Sharpeners, Markers, Pencils, Pens, Protractors, Rulers, and Solar Calculators.

Reference Materials: (English) Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, English Alphabet, Math, and Word, Wall Charts, Human Body, Language, Math, Science, and World Maps

Text/Reading Books: (English) Age Appropriate Story Books, Biology, General Science, Health, Language/Grammar, and Math

Art Supplies: Craft Scissors

Computer Hardware/Software: Educational Software, Flash Drives/Memory Sticks, Printers, Printer Cartridges, Solar-Powered Working Laptops, USB Cables, and Working Laptops

Educational Games/Toys: Connect Four, Puzzles, and Stuffed Animals/Soft Toys

Sports/Outdoor Activity: Frisbees, Inflation Pumps, Jump Ropes, Netball/Basketballs, Soccer Balls, and Tennis Balls

Clothing/Shoes: New or Gently Used Children’s Clothing and Shoes

First Aid/Health: Antibiotic Ointment, Band-Aids, and Sanitary Napkins.

Note: Candy and balloons are not on the needs list as they are harmful for the children and the environment. Instead of taking candy or balloons, use that space for additional requested supplies, as they are priceless.